Wand / Museum Of Moving Practice 2018

Museum Of Moving Practice at HORST 2018

07/09/2018 – 09/09/2018

Museum of Moving Practice: Wand

With “Wand” (translates as “Wall”), we do not only create one of the music stages of the HORST festival, but also a monumental intervention in the scenography of HORST 2018. The installation is a multilayered reflection on the curatorial theme and the specific historical site. The wall is an essential architectural element, an archetype, which delineates terrain and distinguishes between inside and outside. In line with this, the wall also refers to the increasing amount of borders that are currently being built. Additionally, the installation, as an urban development gesture, also structures space and guides the public; it hence becomes the spine of the festival, in which necessary services and functions (such as a stage, entrance, bar and toilets) are contained. Formally, the wall invokes a castle wall as it would be imagined by a child, including battlements and banners. These flags are actually existing artworks, designed by different visual artists. The wall is thus also the carrier of an exhibition within the exhibition. This multi-purpose intervention shows how 019 thinks of a space, and how it often operates as its co-author.

The image is part of our upcoming publication S&D#024/APE117: Occupation & Hospitality


S&D#025: Katja Mater (NL) and flags from the archive by: Åbäke (UK), Amina Saadi (BE), Andreas Mulder (NL), Anna Kulachek (UA), Anne Wies (LUX), Aris Stefani (NL), Bart De Baets & Sandra Kessenaar (NL), Bert Hughe (BE), Bieke Criel (BE), Charlotte Stuby (CH), Colin H. Eeckhout (BE), Corné Bloed (NL), Daan van Mousch (NL), Daniel Eatock (UK), David Bennewith (NZ), David Kalata (BE), Eike König (DE), Emi Kodama (CAN), Erik Brandt (US), Experimental Jetset (NL), Febe Man (BE), Ferre Marnef (BE), Fiona Banner AKA The Vanity Pres (UK), Fruzsina Pinter (BE), Gianna Goethals (BE), Guang Yu (CN), Hana Miletic (BE) Hanna Nilsson & Rasmus Svensson (SWE), Helmut Smits (NL), Henry Holmes (UK), Hermine Cooreman (BE), Ilke Gers (NZ), Ine Meganck (BE), Ines Cox (BE), Jade Kerremans (BE), Jakub Jekiel (PL), James Goggin (UK), Jiri Oplatek (CH), Joep Van Baast (NL), John Morgan (UK), Jon Sueda & Christopher Hamamoto (US), Jonas von Lenthe (DE), Jordi Rondeel (NL), Joris Kritis & Julie Peeters (BE), Julia Gersten (DE), Jun Hyo & Dae Sim (KOR), Karel Martens (NL), Lauren Grusenmeyer (BE), Lisa Van Hoecke (BE), Manuel Raeder (DE), Marlena Rether (DE), Mathew Kneebone (AU), Mathieu Serruys (BE), Matteo Paris (IT), Matthew Stadler (US), Mevis & Van Deursen (NL), Michael Bussaer (BE), Michiel & Arnout De Cleene (BE), Michiel De Cleene (BE), Mirjam Devriendt (BE), Mirko Borsche (DE), Mélanie Vincent (FR), Nedyalko Balev (BG), Niek Pladet (BE), Nina Canell (DE), OK-RM (UK), Olivier Goethals (BE), Oscar Sanders (NL), Paul Elliman (UK), Peter Nencini (UK), Philip Kortes (NL), Philip Lyaruu (NL), Philippe Vandenberg (BE), Quenton Miller (AU), Rafael Berny (BRA), Rebecca Stephany (NL), Rikako Nagashima (JP), Roosje Klap (NL), Sanne Janssens (NL), Sascha Lobe (DE), Daeki Shim & HyoJun Shim (KR), Silke Vandekerckhove (BE), Sjoerd Van De Reep (NL), Sophie Nys (BE), Steven Van Raan (NL), Stijn Cole (BE), Stijn Dries (NL), Studio Joost Grootens (NL), Sybren Lempsink (NL), Tauba Auerbach (US), Telma Lannoo (BE), Thais Dupont (BE), Tom Bruin Slot (NL), V. Vale (US) Valentijn Goethals (BE) & Tjobo Kho (NL), Victor Sirot (FR), Ward Heirwegh (BE), Werkplaats Typografie (NL), Will Holder (UK), Willem Boel (BE), Zak Kyes (UK)