Filip Dujardin, Accumulation d’Époque#2

019 — Museum Of Moving Practice

30/06/2017 – 28/07/2017

Filip Dujardin, Accumulation d’Époque#2

The use of marble in applied art and architecture has a long history. Although the timeless natural material is processed in different ways, it’s always based upon its unique colour and drawing.
The spatial installation ‘Accumulation d’Époque’ departs from marble plates originating from the collection of Design museum Gent and the personal collection of the artist.
The collection of plates will be set up in a different constellation at four moments. As you would expect from a museum, the idea of archiving, cataloguing, inventorying and presenting the plates is taken as a starting point for spatial compositions. In that way, sequences will develop that compress shapes, styles and colours in one motion.